The Mini MIRI® Dry incubator is a compact and affordable solution for IVF laboratories that prioritize space and cost-effectiveness. With its two-chamber design, it is modeled after the classic MIRI® Multiroom incubator. This dry IVF bench top incubator is unique in that it can recirculate gas within the incubator, and is compatible with a HEPA/VOC filtration system, which is not typical of other humidified IVF incubators. The gas, whether pure N2 and CO2 or premixed, first flows through the tri-gas mixing chamber, where the user sets the desired CO2 and O2 gas concentrations. The gas then passes through the HEPA/VOC filter before entering the incubator chambers. Afterward, the gas undergoes sterilization using UV light (254nm) before returning to the tri-gas mixing chamber and recirculating within the system. This design ensures minimal gas consumption even with lid openings and maintains the recirculating air’s cleanliness and safety for the embryo samples.

Single unit

  • 2 individually-controlled chambers
  • Integrated gas mixer; CO2 and O2 Control
  • External Validation Ports for Gas and Temperature
  • Datalogging Software Included
  • Optional integrated SafeSENS pH System