Patrick Chebli
Fertitech’s Beginnings: Patrick’s Story
Fertitech Canada was born in 2014, the upshot of Patrick Chebli’s entrepreneurial spirit and his empathy. Patrick, a nice guy who felt that existing companies were too rigid and impersonal, saw and seized an opportunity to give the field a more human face. He sold his car for seed capital and kicked off Fertitech’s journey with a single French catheter supplier.
While Fertitech’s beginnings were modest, Patrick’s dreams were not. He sought to advance Canada’s IVF sector by sourcing and introducing state-of-the-art technology at fair prices. Now, nearly a decade later, Fertitech has flourished. The company has outgrown its humble origins and has emerged as a leading name in Canada’s IVF labs, with a diverse portfolio representing over 25 global suppliers.
Not surprisingly, Patrick’s roots in the field of IVF run deep. His mother, an embryologist, established one of the world’s first IVF-focused distribution companies. He joined her at industry conferences from an early age and gained a unique perspective on Canada’s growing IVF sector installing and repairing equipment. Patrick’s candid and honest approach has allowed him to build lasting friendships with lab directors from across Canada, and suppliers from across the world. These relationships and the “Ferti Team” who work tirelessly serving clients and supporting operations are the basis of Fertitech’s success.
In his private life, Patrick enjoys fishing, smoking all kinds of meat on his one-of-a-kind BBQ, and traveling the world with his wife and young son.

Patrick Chebli
Fertitech’s Beginnings: Patrick’s Story
Fertitech Canada was born in 2014, the upshot of Patrick Chebli’s entrepreneurial spirit and his empathy. Patrick, a nice guy who felt that existing companies were too rigid and impersonal, saw and seized an opportunity to give the field a more human face. He sold his car for seed capital and kicked off Fertitech’s journey with a single French catheter supplier.
While Fertitech’s beginnings were modest, Patrick’s dreams were not. He sought to advance Canada’s IVF sector by sourcing and introducing state-of-the-art technology at fair prices. Now, nearly a decade later, Fertitech has flourished. The company has outgrown its humble origins and has emerged as a leading name in Canada’s IVF labs, with a diverse portfolio representing over 25 global suppliers.
Not surprisingly, Patrick’s roots in the field of IVF run deep. His mother, an embryologist, established one of the world’s first IVF-focused distribution companies. He joined her at industry conferences from an early age and gained a unique perspective on Canada’s growing IVF sector installing and repairing equipment. Patrick’s candid and honest approach has allowed him to build lasting friendships with lab directors from across Canada, and suppliers from across the world. These relationships and the “Ferti Team” who work tirelessly serving clients and supporting operations are the basis of Fertitech’s success.
In his private life, Patrick enjoys fishing, smoking all kinds of meat on his one-of-a-kind BBQ, and traveling the world with his wife and young son.
The Team

Kate Archer
Managing Director

Tim Carter
Scientific and Technical Director

Kristina Vinski
Director of Client Experience

Nona Montazeri
Director of Operations

Jeremy K.
Marketing Specialist

Hasna Shati
Administrative Assistant

Ladan Mojaver

Roxanne Normandeau
Accountant, C.P.A.

Ashe Chaput
Warehouse Associate
The Team

Kate Archer
Managing Director

Tim Carter
Scientific and Technical Director

Kristina Vinski
Director of Client Experience

Nona Montazeri
Director of Operations

Hasna Shati
Administrative Assistant

Jeremy K.
Marketing Specialist

Roxanne Normandeau
Accountant, C.P.A.

Ladan Mojaver

Ashe Chaput
Warehouse Associate