Measuring gas levels inside incubators has always been a challenge, particularly with gas analyzers that require aspirating gas out of the incubator. Even the slightest gas aspirations can affect the stability of desktop incubators. However, the NiloChecker gas sensor is a game changer, as it can be placed inside the incubator without disrupting internal conditions or aspirating gas. It even allows for averaging readings over longer periods of time.

The combined Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2) probe is a revolutionary device in terms of both design and performance. Its extremely flat design and flexible connection enable it to be inserted into any type of incubator, including desktop models. By measuring gas levels inside the incubator without pumping gas out, the measurement results are more accurate and precise. This innovation represents a significant advancement in the field of gas measurements for incubators.

Single unit

  • Very Thin Cord for incubator door closing
  • Inserted inside incubation chambers
  • Easy to use
  • Quick and affordable calibration
  • No moving parts