Alpha‑Tec’s ImmunoSpheres® are a Immunobead Test (IBT) used to detect the presence or absence of antisperm antibodies (ASA) when screening for immune-mediated male infertility or unexplained infertility in couples. Four ImmunoSphere® reagent kits are available to detect distinct anti-sperm immunoglobulin isotypes: Anti IgA, Anti IgG, Anti IgM and Anti Ig (Heavy and Light chain). Both direct and indirect testing methods can be used with ImmunoSpheres®.  Direct testing requires spermatozoa to be washed to remove any free immunoglobulins in the seminal plasma. Indirect testing can be used for reproductive fluids such as seminal plasma, follicular fluid, cervical mucus, as well as serum. A positive test result is defined as ≥ 20% of motile spermatozoa binding to the ImmunoSpheres®; a clinically significant test result produces ≥ 50% of motile spermatozoa being bound. Product packaging may differ from image.

100 tests / kit

  • A reliable, specific test for the detection of sperm-bound antibodies and sperm antibodies in reproductive fluids and serum
  • Allows the determination of antibody class attached to spermatozoa, the localization on the spermatozoa, and the proportion of spermatozoa coated with antibody
  • Produces results in less than 30 mins
  • Monodispersed, does not clump together
  • Latex bead size = uniform 3.0 μm
  • Spermatozoa must be washed prior to testing
  • Requires a centrifuge and a bright field or phase contrast microscope
  • Bead colours: IgA (blue), IgG (blue), IgM (blue) Ig(H&L) (white)
  • 18-month shelf life from date of manufacture
  • Store reagents at 4°C