Fertitech Canada, in collaboration with LifeAire, is proud to offer an innovative air quality assessment and monitoring service designed to enhance outcomes in the IVF space. The Aire~Analysis program is dedicated to identifying potentially harmful sources of airborne contamination in your laboratory, thereby removing air quality as a variable that can impact consistent and successful embryogenesis.

This unique approach to air quality assessment focuses on identifying and understanding the specific Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) present in the laboratory environment, recognizing that different VOCs have varying degrees of toxicity and influence on clinical outcomes. The assessment includes a preliminary examination of air quality using TO-15 canister testing, which captures a wide range of VOCs, providing not just room-scale concentrations but also positional information about contamination sources.

In partnership with LifeAire, Fertitech Canada is committed to bringing cutting-edge air quality assessment tools, such as the Aire~Analysis program, to Canadian IVF laboratories.

  • Comprehensive air quality assessment using TO-15 negative pressure canister testing.
  • Unique EBTOX scoring system to quantify the toxicity of each VOC and its impact on embryogenesis.
  • Detailed insights into specific VOCs, including their partitioning kinetics profiles and relative toxicity levels.
  • A thorough report containing actionable insights for the removal of identified embryotoxic pollutant sources.
  • Personal Q&A session to discuss the findings and recommendations for improving air quality in your laboratory.