The Cryo Bio System™ (CBS) SYMS I Sealer is a tabletop device specifically designed to seal CBS High Security straws. Crafted with ionomeric resin, this sealer is highly reliable and durable, requiring minimal maintenance and ensuring optimal operation in the long run.

The SYMS I can effectively seal 0.3 ml and 0.5 ml CBS High Security straws, as well as CBS High Security Vitrification straws. These straws are integral components of the CBS closed cryopreservation system, and the SYMS I Sealer ensures a secure seal, contributing to the system’s overall safety and effectiveness. The sealer provides users with flexibility in operation, as it can be activated by either a push-button or a foot switch, depending on the user’s preference. This user-friendly functionality makes the SYMS I Sealer a valuable asset in laboratories and facilities that use the CBS cryopreservation system.

Single unit

  • Two options to best suit your workflow: push-button or foot switch
  • Requires only 5 minutes per day for start-up, maintenance, and shut-down procedures
  • Easily cleaned with ethanol or a non-corrosive decontaminant fluid