The BreDevice® HA-ICSI dish is a sterile, hyaluronic acid-coated culture dish specifically designed for the selection and separation of mature sperm during Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) procedures. As a substitute for the PISCI dish, the BreDevice® HA-ICSI provides a reliable method for identifying and selecting viable sperm with intact DNA and optimal morphology.

The dish features a solid hyaluronic acid pre-coating in the center, where mature sperm with the ability to bind to hyaluronic acid can be effectively captured. This selection process helps in isolating sperm that are more likely to produce successful fertilization outcomes, as immature sperm, which lack hyaluronic acid binding sites, cannot adhere to the coating.

Key advantages of using the BreDevice® HA-ICSI dish include a reduction in chromatic abnormalities, improved sperm morphology, and a lower presence of immature nucleoprotein. Additionally, when used in combination with a sperm-hyaluronic acid binding assay kit, the BreDevice® HA-ICSI dish may significantly reduce pregnancy loss rates and improve clinical pregnancy rates (CPR).

This product offers a practical and effective solution for laboratories seeking to enhance the outcomes of ICSI procedures by ensuring the selection of the highest quality sperm.

1 dish / box

  • Reduction in chromatic abnormalities by 4-6 times
  • Improved sperm morphology
  • Lower presence of immature nucleoprotein
  • Higher volumes of CK-B and HspA2 in selected sperm