CELL-VU® Pre-stained Morphology slides provide clean and clear slides for rapid cellular visualization and differential cell assessment. Each slide contains a dried layer of stain that facilitates morphology assessment when in contact with cells. Samples are applied directly to the slide and a coverslip placed over the sample, reducing exposure to harmful external variables. CELL-VU® slides combine conventional microscope slides with a proprietary combination of methylene blue and cresyl violet stains into a single, ready-to-use device.
75 slides/box
- Used for the staining spermatozoa, blood, CSF, and urine for cytology
- Disposable, reducing clinician’s unnecessary exposure to bodily fluids
- One step process limits exposure to reagents and potentially harmful stains
- Highly accurate results
- Increases lab effectiveness by eliminating the need for cleaning
- Used for World Health Organization and Kruger strict morphology sperm assessment from undiluted semen